Take care of your vehicle in the Canary Islands Climate

Vital Maintenance: Caring for Your Vehicle in the Tropical Climate of the Canary Islands

The Canary Islands are a tropical paradise, but their unique climate presents special challenges for vehicle maintenance. In this post, we’ll explore strategies and practical tips to ensure your car performs at its best in this hot and humid environment. From protection against salty air to cooling system care, find out how to keep your vehicle in top condition in the tropical climate of the Canaries.

Protecting the Paintwork: Shielding Against Salty Air

Sea breezes and salty air can affect your vehicle’s paintwork. We offer tips on how to wash and wax your car effectively to protect it against corrosion and maintain its shine despite tropical conditions.

Cooling Systems: Keep your engine at the right temperature

In high temperatures, maintaining an efficient cooling system is essential. We explore how to check and maintain your car’s cooling system, including the radiator, thermostat and coolant, to avoid overheating on Canary Island roads.

Heat-Resistant Tyres: Tips for Safe Driving

High temperatures can affect tyre pressure. We provide guidelines for regular tyre inspection, choosing tyres suitable for tropical climates and how to maintain the right pressure to ensure safe and efficient driving.

Air Conditioning Maintenance: Freshness at All Times

In a tropical climate, the air conditioning system becomes a crucial ally. Learn how to properly maintain and clean the system to ensure cool, efficient airflow at all times.

Regular maintenance is key to ensuring your vehicle runs smoothly on Canary Island roads. By following these tropical climate specific tips, you can enjoy your drive in the sun without worry – get ready to keep your vehicle in top shape and tackle Canary adventures with confidence! And if you want an expert hand, don’t hesitate to make an appointment at our workshop.

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